Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Quick Draw McCheney

Initially I didn't think I would blog about the shooting accident. I mean it was just an accident right? These things happen. It was negligence, that's for sure. One of the first things they tell you in any hunting safety course is, "Don't shoot your hunting companion in the chest." But anyway.

So now the press and the Democrats are criticizing Cheney and the Whitehouse for not telling everybody what happened. There are references being made to how this administration has always been secretive and this is more of the same. And you know what? I get it. I know they're secretive. Everyone does. That's old news. What really pisses me off is when they try to talk to us like we're children and blow smoke.

Cheney finally came out today and said that he intended to let the ranch owner report the story to the local paper. He thought that's how it should have been handled. WAIT A DAMN MINUTE... So you're telling me that an administration that LOVES to control what information makes it to the media, that repeatedly refuses to disclose information that it, frankly, just doesn't want to give up planned the release of this news to a local newspaper? Okay, now let's say I'm a Washington crony or even one of the executives. I love to control the flow of information. I've done it with the 9/11 commission, I've done it with the war in Iraq and the intelligence reporting WMD's, I've done it with pictures of Jack Abramoff & Bush. But then the VP shoots a guy in the chest with a 12 Gauge...ah hell...we don't need to control this. Its just a little hunting accident that almost killed a man. I'll just let the local podunk paper report the story. Yeah we don't have a problem with that all.

Christ almighty... Why doesn't he just tell the truth. He shot a guy in the chest and spent most of the first few hours worrying about his friend and making sure he was okay and had medical care. Then he realized that he's a Republican 2nd Amendmant proponant who loves to brag about how he's an avid hunter...and he just shot his buddy in the chest. And he's worried. So worried that he and the Whitehouse don't know what to say. By then the story breaks in the local paper and they spend another couple of days trying to decide how to spin it. Then and only then...he comes out and says he meant for it to unfold that way. Oh of course...that make so much sense.


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