Monday, February 27, 2006

Enough already...

Is anyone else completely sick of hearing about this fucking port deal with Dubai? In my last post I said I wasn't sure where I stood but that people should make up their own mind instead of falling inline behind the dumasses in Congress. Well I've made up my mind. I've continued to listen to this debate and the facts from both sides. And those opposed to this deal are FULL OF SHIT. There is no added security concern. 80% of the ports in this country are controlled by foriegn corporations. And most of those are either state owned or have very close ties to their governments.

But you might say, "Jason, if all of Congressmen are against it and even President said they should have briefed them, then isn't it possible that we should be concerned?" And to that I would say, "No fucking way." In this game the Democrats are pissed because they see it as a way to attack the President. They would attack him for anything. Don't get me wrong, it's good to descent but right now they're just shouting at the rain. And Republicans think their base is too stupid to hear the facts. Leave it to them to take the path of least resistance. Its always easier to take the bull-headed intolerant stance because it does not require you to think. Or explain logically why you feel the way you do.

This is a business deal between two companies that will not affect us at all. Port operations has NOTHING to do with who manages the security. If you want to be concerned about something then you should be worried that in general our National Guard and customs officials are inept. But that has nothing to do with Dubai Ports World. And don't tell me that there's a slightly higher risk with them because of their Middle East origins. There is no higher risk of them using their limited abilities to affect our security than there is from ANY OTHER one of the port operations companies. All they do is tell the boats WHERE TO DOCK and WHEN.

And besides all of the facts that tell us this is not something the government should be involved in...I'll give you one more. If our leaders insist on waging war on radical Muslims with ties to terrorism then we need someone in our corner. The UAE is a moderate state of Arabs. Blocking this deal will tell anyone left over there that might think the USA is still okay that, "No, we're really not okay. We're racist. We allowed a state with 'Arab' in their name to scare the hell out of us despite the facts." Any friends we might have in the Middle East will see us as fearful or intolerant of Arabs if we block this deal.

Okay, that's the last I'll say about this deal. Stop worrying about it. Its not a concern. Forget about it.


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