Friday, February 15, 2008

Vile Stuff in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is in the news again.  It's more of the same.  This country is full of some of the most batshit insane, barberous, disgusting humans on the face of the planet.
The illiterate woman was detained by religious police in 2005 and allegedly beaten and forced to fingerprint a confession that she could not read.

Among her accusers was a man who alleged she made him impotent.

Human Rights Watch said that Ms Falih had exhausted all her chances of appealing against her death sentence and she could only now be saved if King Abdullah intervened.
You might be wondering if you read that correctly.  It's not a typo or a joke.  She is being executed for witchcraft.  The article doesn't state the method of execution but an image states that most executions in Saudi Arabia are carried out with a sword by beheading in a public place.

Human rights groups are calling for King Abdullah to overturn the conviction.  I'm not sure if he will but I'm sure they'll have something to say about how the rest of the world should not dare insult Saudi Arabia by challenging their barbaric legal system.  After all these are the same people who use the Qur'an as their constitution.  They also contribute a large amount of their GDP toward development 'aid' of other islamic countries as a way to spread puritanical islam and root out anyone with a moderate bone in their body.

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Blogger netwurth said...

When I wrote this I was extremely fired up and upon reflection need to clarify that I don't believe all Saudis are crazy. My problem is with these horrible laws based on backward teachings and any person who enforces them. I also have a problem with any person regardless of their race, religion, creed who would tolerate this behavior and say we should respect this kind of culture.

February 15, 2008 1:43 PM  
Anonymous Umair said...

Hi. From your blog, I gather that you have never been to saudi arabia. Although, positive criticism is always welcome, such blind hatred is not. Please don't give your opinion about things you heard about in the news and not experienced first hand because you are unaware of the all the details of what happened.

August 01, 2011 6:46 AM  
Blogger netwurth said...

@Umair - If you're watching for responses;
First - When I responded to my own post on 2/15/2008 I admitted that I was very upset when I wrote my entry and clarified my position.
Second - This is a 'Blog'. Granted it's not one I keep updated and haven't posted anything in years. Since it is my personal blog, I'm entitled to post any 'opinions' I wish. I'll offer my opinions on any topic that strikes my fancy.

Now, you're right that I have not been to Saudi Arabia. And perhaps the news story I linked to didn't contain every possible detail. However, there is ample sources of evidence that Saudi Arabia does conduct public executions and that they are sometimes for crimes based on religious superstition. Say what you will but Saudi Arabia is monitored by Human Rights Watch for a reason. It's because there are violations.

To follow your logic would prevent me from forming and sharing my opinion of most world events. If you want to live in a world where only people with first hand experience are allowed to talk about it that's your choice. But it is not mine. When there are multiple supporting lines of evidence including video footage, first hand accounts, and journalism I can safely assume that there is a kernel of truth. Knowing all the details is not as critical in these cases as understanding that there is injustice.

August 01, 2011 11:29 AM  

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