Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I'm not what I would call a Harry Potter fanatic. I've read some of the books but not all of them. I've been critical of a few of the earlier movies. I find J.K. Rawlings writing and story telling style formulaic and childish. In the beginning I didn't have a problem with that because I thought the books were meant for children. But as the story goes on it takes a darker tone that is more adult and even frightening for younger readers/viewers.

All that aside. My wife and I went to Springdale last night to see the midnight showing on the IMAX 3D. And I must say that this movie tops the rest. I didn't care for this book all that much but this movie was pulled off without a hitch. Kudos to the children/young adults who have grown up in these movies. You can see how much they've grown as actors and actresses.

Now because I'm not a fanatic I can get by the fact that they tinkered with some of the story lines from the book. There will be HP fans out there who decry this movie like they did the rest because they don't understand that movies are NOT books and what works in literature can't always work on the silver screen. I can say without hesitation that the IMAX ticket price was worth every nickel. Only about 15 minutes of the film (the climatic battle near the end) is in 3D. I don't remember the last time I went to a 3D movie but I know it was nothing like this. It will be tough to watch the movie in a regular format once it comes out on DVD. If you are within driving distance of an IMAX 3D version of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" I recommend it for all viewers.

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