Saturday, March 22, 2008

Expelled from 'EXPELLED'

This absolutely made my day. PZ Myers over at Pharyngula blog recounts an interesting story. If you're unfamiliar with the 'Expelled' documentary that Ben Stein and Mark Mathis are putting out then continue reading. Other wise skip the next paragraph.

Ben Stein and company are working on a documentary called 'Expelled: No Intelligence Allow'. The theme or idea they are putting forth is that scientists are being drummed out of academia for holding controversial views such as supporting something called Intelligent Design which is just Creationism rebranded. The movie is built on false information and equates Darwinian theory with Nazi Germany, genocide, and eugenics. They have been holding pre-screenings for church groups and other people who they feel are friendly to their cause. They have repeatedly tried to keep any critics out of these screenings. When one got in and wrote a review it caused quite a ruckus.

So PZ Myers was at the Mall of America with his family to see this 'turd' of a movie. They used the online mechanism provided by the producers to reserve seats and used their real names. So contrary to stories floating around they didn't try to sneak in. PZ was recognized by Mark Mathis and had him 'expelled' from the theater. Read the rest of his account here to get the punchline. This is priceless.

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