Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sean Hannity doing what Sean Hannity does...

Over at NewsHounds they've got video from an episode of Hannity & Colmes of Sean Hannity and Frank Luntz discussing Obama's recent speech on race. Most people found the speech inspiring, moving, and overdue. In true Hannity form he manages to be a complete jackass, spouting ignorance, and being divisive. This is the same guy who loves to refer to Obama by his middle name in order to conjure negative feelings about the candidate.
“What if (Obama) deep down in his heart thinks like (his controversial pastor) Wright?” Hannity asked. Luntz had his neutral pretense back in place. “It’s not for anyone to answer that question.” Hannity persisted. “Is that dangerous for this country? I think that would be dan… That would mean we would have, if he agreed with Wright and I don’t know that does, but if he did, that would mean a racist and an anti-Semite would be president of the United States.”
This isn't really surprising behavior from a hack like Hannity. The guy has made his career off of being a bigoted asshole, using fear and spin to influence conservative Americans. He tries to give this impression that he doesn't really believe what he's saying is true and that he's just asking a question. That's right, at Fox News you can say whatever the hell you want as long as you pose it as a question or hypothetical situation. I mean come on Sean...who could possibly imagine having a racist, anti-semite for a president. Guess there's a first time for everything...dumbass.

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